Leaving Egypt

In the Old Testament God wanted Israel to leave Egypt so they could fulfill their destiny as the people of God. Similarly the church is called to to live outside of the land of Egypt, or the world. Spiritually, we are called to live apart from the world. God wants us to be holy as he is holy. Living the same lifestyle as the worldly people do, regarding education, politics, business, entertainment, investing, etc. keeps us in the world system.

If we want to follow a spiritual path that leads to God, Christ, and the Holy Spirit requires us to leave that new world order behind. For all of us it is a challenge. How can we live God honoring lives and still be a part of our community. We cannot build a wall around our house and ourselves segregated from the rest of mankind?

When Moses was assigned to lead people out of Egypt, there was a lot of complaining, even to the point of people wanting to take away his authority.

Living in the world but being set apart from it is what we should be striving towards. This ministry is about that, living apart from the world and being set apart for God, holy. I had a revelation about the word holy, in the greek or Hebrew it means to be set apart or sacred. We are not a part of this world. We are unique, set apart, sacred vessels. The idea is that we are vessels that should be kept clean from the worldly things. We should not allow our bodies, our beings, to be used in ways that are not clean, immoral or ungodly.

Everyday, we are challenged and tempted by worldly living and ways. It is easy to get comfortable. It is hard to reject something that feels good but isn’t moral or ethical. We succumb to greed, lust, lying, and many other characteristics that is not in alignment with God’s word. We want to have great lives that are moral and ethical, we want other people to treat us this way and yet most of the people in the world fail in some way. Although we do have Jesus who came to atone for our sins, it doesn’t mean that we can keep sinning and keep asking for forgiveness. We should do our best to live out the word of God on a daily basis not just on the weekends.

The purpose of this ministry is to help us live out the good news. I hope you will join me on this journey.

“Therefore, since you have been raised with Christ, strive for the things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Colossians 3:1-2

I hope and pray that we all can become set apart and holy to leave the earthly things behind for the promised land.

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