People often look outside of themselves to see their reflection. We look into the mirrors of the world. We dress like how the world wants to dress us. Women don themselves with jewelry, eyelashes, make up, skin tattoos. Often concerned with how others will view them, instead of how God views them.

What part of you does God look at first? Is it the eyes, is it the clothing, is it the behind, is it your stature? God looks at your heart first. It is the first thing he sees. I was having a discussion with someone about why people don’t want to come to God. How we look into the mirror of our souls to see if we can come to God. But when we look into the mirrors of the world, it tells us that you can’t go to God like that. Look at that sinful face, look at the transgressions of your heart, how disgusting is that to a pure and holy God. You are UGLY! That is what the world or the devil tells us. It is what we say to ourselves.

I often tell people to spend time with God. Just sit at the feet of Christ. Christ can see through the fake eyelashes, the make up, the clothing, the botox and see the true beauty in you. When you look into God’s mirror, you will see the beautiful child that he created in the womb. People feel so unworthy because of what they physically see or think they see because of what they were told as children and adults. The you are not good enough words they hear in their souls. They don’t want to go to God, they are afraid to sit at Jesus’ feet, because of what they believe God will say to them, perhaps reject them like the people in the world.

Yet, Jesus looks on you with eyes of compassion. He wants to hear about your dreams, your struggles, even the sins that you have committed. He wants to hear that you want to change for the better and you need Him. He wants to look at the innocent child that He created in the womb. Jesus knows everything about you, nothing is hidden from His eyes. The woman at the well, in John 4:1-26, she tells the people in the city, this man told me everything I had done, they came to see Him and stated that He was the Messiah. I find it interesting that she could openly go and tell people about Jesus and the things she had done. When we are with Jesus, something in our souls becomes clear and allows us to see who we are in Christ. We aren’t ashamed to share His love with others and we don’t think that He will condemn them when they come to Him just as they are.

So, look into God’s mirror and see yourself through the eyes of Christ. I am sure you will find someone beautiful in there. Jesus is waiting for you at His well, filled with living waters, you will never be thirsty again.

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