Sin separates us from God. We often don’t realize that something inside of us dies when we sin. Our relationships die and we lose a part of our soul. There are so many negative things about sin that it makes it difficult for us to return to God. Shame, guilt, fear, doubt, anger, even despising God because we don’t think that we are worthy to return to Him.

Or we blame God for the things that happens in our life, be it, others who sin against us or those who cause us to sin. “Why didn’t God stop this from happening?” “Isn’t God above all things, isn’t he all knowing?” Yes, these are challenging questions that many people think about. And the devil wants you to focus on these things and wonder whether if it is better not to care or to walk away from God.

If you did live sinfully, you may think that God doesn’t want you anymore. Or that He cannot love you because of what you have done. Even if you go to church, read your bible, something causes you to think that you aren’t worthy anymore.

The parable of the prodigal son, Luke 15:11-32, is an example of God’s love for you, if you’ve lived a God honoring life, or even when you had left and led a sinful life. The father in the parable was anxiously waiting for his son’s return even after his son had lived a wasteful, prideful, even immoral life. Sometimes it’s hard to understand that God sees you as His child. He first sees the innocent child that He created. It breaks a good father’s heart when he knows his child is sinning and he yearns for his child to come back to living a good life. How much more does God love you and yearns for you to live a good life again.

God is calling you home to Himself. He is anxiously waiting for your return. Everyday hoping you will see His heart. His yearning, loving, caring heart. He wants to celebrate your return home. And, if you were like the son who lived with, stayed close to, and served the father wholeheartedly, he is saying that all that he has is yours. You are not forgotten. It was that he was just so happy to get his son who was lost back. He wanted to celebrate his return home. God sees both sides and He loves you both.

Illumine Ministries is about living out your faith on a daily basis, dealing with life matters that affect your walk and relationship with God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

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